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I. Customers come first—BBX is born forcustomers, and customers justifies the existence meaning of BBX.

1. Know who our customers are, listencarefully to customers’ suggestions, and orient towards customers;

2. Know how we can create values forcustomers, and keep on adjusting relevant resources and workflows;

3. Know why customers choose us instead ofour competitors, and keep on excelling our competitors in terms of customersatisfaction;

4. Know how to increase customersatisfaction and take actions;

5. Develop a superior consciousness andstrive to be the best.


II. Teamwork—Go all out for a sharedgoal together.

1. Actively integrate oneself into a teamto become a reliable part of it, learn to get help from other teammates andcooperate with other teammates to finish the team task;

2. Take an active part in discussion beforea decision is made, and show 100% support after the decision is made;

3. Take the initiative to share thebusiness knowledge and experiences and help other teammates, learn how to solveproblems through the teamwork, and realize the key to team success is jointgrowth of all teammates;

4. Seek common ground while shelving arounddifferences, learn to find the shining points of other teammates, proactivelypraise others’ strengths and learn from them;

5. Develop the master’s consciousness,impose a positive influence on the team, improve the team morale and workingatmosphere, and strive together with the other teammates for a shared goal.


III. Open innovation—Embrace changes andopen innovation.

1. Be open-minded, adapt to the dailychanges of the company and never make any complaints;

2. Face up to changes, reasonably cope withthem, fully communicate with each other, and sincerely cooperate with eachother;

3. Actively adjust oneself in the face ofdifficulties and setbacks to positively influence and stimulate otherteammates;

4. Take the initiative to develop newmethods, new concepts new tools and new procedures to improve the workingefficiency and meet the changing market and customer demands;

5. Launch transformation to achieve abreakthrough for the company’s performance.


IV. Passion and aggressiveness—To be ane effective striver.

1. Show passion for one’s work, identifyoneself with BBX’s corporate culture and never make any complaints;

2. Take pride in being a part of BBX,work passionately and convey a positive energy;

3. Keep on encouraging oneself to improveperformance;

4. Never give up in front of difficultiesand setbacks, keep on seeking breakthroughs and successes;

5. Upgrade one’s goals, keep ontranscending oneself, and make today’s best performance the basic requirementfor tomorrow.


V. Honesty and dedication—To be anemployee with both abilities and work ethics.

1. Stick to honesty and uprightness, never practicefraud or seek private gain through power, suit the action to the word; putaside private affairs during office hours, and never make mistakes repeatedlydue to dereliction of duty;

2. Take the courage to admit mistakes,undertake responsibilities, objectively reflect problems and strictly restrictany behaviors damaging the company’s interests; don’t put off till tomorrowwhat should be done today, and stick to the required workflow;

3. Abide by the professional ethics, keepon learning and improving, and adopt a result-oriented mind;

4. Stick to the above standards, adhere tobut never be restricted by workflow, simplify affairs, and achieve bettereffects with smaller investment;

5. Show passion for the careerpursuit.